Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Texas Tech University, Experimental Science Building 2
Lubbock, TX, USA
Major Equipment
Two tabletop centrifuge Avanti J-15R (Beckman Coulter) with JS-4.750 and JA-10.000 rotors
Optima XE-90 ultracentrifuge with Ti 70.1 TL rotor (Beckman Coulter)
AKTA Explorer 100 FPLC with fraction collector
X-band continuous wave EPR spectrometer from Bruker BioSpin (EMXmicro)
Nano ITC instrument with computer/software
Edinburgh Instruments FS5 Spectrofluorometer with temperature-controlled sample holder with computer/software
3 shaker-incubators (refrigerated): New Brunswick Scientific Innova 43R; Innova 44R;
Ultralow temperature (-80°C) freezer REVKO (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
-30°C freezer (Thermo Fisher)
Nanodrop UV-Vis spectrophotometer with cuvette option (NanodropOne)
PCR thermocycler (BioRad)
Purifier for ultrapure type 1 water
Vibration-free EchoTherm IN30 chilling/heating incubator for crystals growth
Chromatography refrigerator – 2 doors (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
pH meter Fisher Scientific
Other Equipment
Tube/samples mixers and rotators
Microcentrifuges (non-refrigerated) x 3
Balances for weights from mg to hundreds of grams
Hot plates and stirrers
Fume hood with storage for Acids and Flambe compounds
Gas cylinders support
-20°C undercounter freezer
4°C 2-doors refrigerated cabinet
4°C undercounter refrigerator
Incubator for plates
Water bath
Millipore XX2702550 12-Position Vacuum Filtration Sampling Manifold
BioRad protein electrophoresis system
BioRad western blot system (for colorimetric detection)
Light microscope
Heated mixer
Vacuum pump
Through her Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment and membership in the Center for Membrane Protein Research at TTU Health and Science Center, Georgieva has access to the equipment in the Membrane Protein Core Laboratory (Membrane Protein Core Laboratory | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (ttuhsc.edu). Some of the available instruments are:
Jasco J-815 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer
Zetasizer Auto Plate Sampler Dynamic Light Scattering instrument
Hitachi Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7000
Mosquito Crystallization Robot
Crystal imaging system
X-ray diffraction system (Rigaku) for crystal screening
ITC and DSC microcalorimeters